Monday, December 2, 2013


For health benefits in New Delhi the Hurriyat kattarpanthi separatist leader Syed Ali Shah Gilani on Monday the Lahore [Pakistan] addressing a gathering on the telephone in India with Pakistani Government poisoned against ugly.

Gilani said Pakistan's all problems sorted there truly Islamic rule advocated the restoration of the human rights abuses in Kashmir on India's demand for independence in Kashmir continue to crush the conspiracy charged.

Gilani today from New Delhi Pakistani lahor city Jamayat-e-Islami Pakistan Qazi Hussain Ahmed to the late amir of the sharad ghanjali ceremony held to pay telephone was addressing the ceremony on Islamic Jamayte Tulba, aside from Sudan, Egypt, mussel man's best UL Aljiriya, Malaysia and Turkey came from representatives of Islamic organizations participated.

Gilani said that a strong and stable Pakistan separated from India on Kashmir and Kashmiris for their right is therefore going to be elections in Pakistan Pakistani people choose those who are honest and that goal is to be Sankara badge for which Pakistan was founded. the current political leadership of Pakistan in their goal by straying from his personal politics and indulge in corruption of star view. GILANI Said Pakistan and Islamabad forces want to break Pakistan. This is Islam enemy forces as well as the interiors of the Pakistan situation to worsen.

The slogan of Pakistan Kashmir will be GILANI said in Kashmir freedom movement supported by Pakistan, always on the international world if today is believed to be a disputed territory in Kashmir, Pakistani cooperation. so would Pakistan Kashmiri people always strong. of course, the voice of Kashmiris to suppress independence New Delhi using the power.

Put a ban on political activities of Kashmiris. k political leaders are closing prisons, as far as we have been prevented from our religious activities, prayer-e-summat me to pay off my house go. we have the right and freedom to any Banjarmasin of them Kashmiris that rights are thrown out.

Hurriyat Chairman on the spot in jambalaya-e-Islami Bangladesh two leaders shared concerns over the death penalty-e-pledging that all Islamic organizations should take against it.