Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Five Hidden Causes Of Pimples

Seeing the same mood worsen acne on the face. often we think that our skin is oily, that is why we munhason the problem. but munhason not just behind the skin there are several causes are responsible not only noticed that we've ever done.

Know, five behind the startling reasons munhason.

1. diet high in carbohydrates
Research has found that the more carbohydrates diet acne than. researchers participants divided into two groups in which one group of carbohydrates are 12 week diet and other proteins that the plethora of diet. they found that after two weeks taking the carbohydrates diet of protein-rich diet acne have twice while taking less acne.

2. dairy products
American Academy of dermatology research published in the journal, found that people who diet too much milk or dairy products, drink them more problems with acne.

University of Maryland Professor Clement adebamovo, "in addition to the proteins in milk are present in too many nutrients insulin like growth factor-1. substances which are formed in the body, such as hormones that make the skin more coffees and acne are soaring.

3. small amounts of Omega 3
Lipids in health and disease, according to research published in the journal sibam in omega 3 body reduces the chemicals which make the acne does not lack of Omega-3 acids in if diet., could increase her acne.

4. stress
Stanford University researchers in his research that adrenal androgen in the body such as in stress hormones increase the acne made. in case of acne more so much stress.

5. too much sun
Out in the Sun too much acne growing. Sun skin removes oils from the faster if stored in ROM is chidro from acne.