Monday, December 12, 2011

Military Airport

China has in the Indian Ocean off the country's first military settlement to set up airport. it has been growing concern of course India. China Monday announced that it is the first Indian Ocean island of Seychelles foreign military on opening airport. it says that he is doing this so that the Navy must supply of resources and other facilities can be easily provided.
China has said the military base ports of other countries via the Seychelles or the supply and support missions have also helped. China has already strong penetration in the Indian Ocean. He associated with the United Nations Association International sibed authority to 15 years in the Indian Ocean polymetallic sulfide ore mining is tied to.
Beijing has set up military destination, time to declare when the entire 23-month standoff began after India and China in strategic dialogue, joint military exercises to enhance the scope of and have agreed to regular talks between the two countries have mutual confidence building measures '' to pursue in order to send each other their delegation here also agreed on three weeks ago Defence Secretary shashikant Sharma and China's people's Liberation Army's General Ma then took place in this conversation led shyao agreed.