Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Grace Of Life

Grace is that abstract and innate aura in you that shines out brightly, from everyone else. It is the principles you hold and the deeds you do. It's the heart of yours that doesn't mind blood on your clothes when trying to help a hit animal. It's that smile of yours so passionate as you pass a child and the kiss that you give her, kneeling down on your knees, going down to her level of thoughts and fun. It's the way you hit me, in full knowledge of being strong enough to hit me such that it pains, yet, pretending to be less stronger so that you wouldn't have my ego hurt. It's in those powerful strides in spikes across the stadium's track, those legs moving in expertise, living in its fleeting space in air.
It is in that loud laughter of yours that lets out happiness without being bothered about a second person's opinions... it's in your eyes that I see true joy and bliss, when you smile! Your eyes that smile. It's elegance that pushes you forward in a crowd of hundred to dance first... a confident woman. It's grace, the way you ride my bike, which other girls might not even try, It's your hot temper that I see, and annoying nature that makes me think you're adorable. It's the guts with which you stand up for; when you know you're right. It's graceful; when I see you walk from far, waving to me and the jumps of a kid that you possess. It's that factor that makes you go haywire and do things, gracefully, in a way that other people are too scared to attempt.
It's that grace in you that makes me love you. It's that grace that made me see the truth. It's that grace, which is you!"
He beamed, in seriousness. She saw the soft lines of his face and the curves of his smile. She squeezed his hands in gratitude and understanding. Looking down at his hands, she smiled and cried, a moment to herself. A moment to cherish.
"So, did you now, my love," he said cheesily, "understand what it is, that is, grace? And what makes you a woman more than anything else?"
She smiled. The sun was fast setting and his face grew decreasingly visible. She knew he was waiting for her, to speak. To reply.
"I don't know if I exactly understand, what that grace is, that makes me a woman..." she said."But I know, now, what it is, that makes you a man."