Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Iran is not Afghanistan, not not not Korea Syria ...Just naukriya ...On Tuesday, most Americans probably will elect their President on the fact that in the next four years which employs. world's largest election in voting for now are some arthavyavastha all the rest of us can argue on the jobs situation in. just before voting Friday on the status of the jobs in the u.s. has increased akdon the thrill of fresh elections in the u.s., the number of jobs has increased.But the unemployment rate too. IE Obama and could use the romni akdon desired.

Employment in the u.s. is the largest scale of economic promotion, so it has the reverse issue election. He was first choice at the beginning of October, the open debate in Denver when romni and Obama facing. in this debate to the recession and lack of jobs romni Obama tacked on sturdy and President after the raw debate. have suddenly started and Obama's climb romni graph is edge.

Then cut of the presidential election. with the congregations in romni jhade a great little poster, on which is written ', ' jobs ' while Obama promises to increase the impact of jobs with the romni. before the recession in the United States longer than about 45 million jobs.

The latest report on the State of the jobs in the u.s. both leaders of 1.71 million in the October jobs are added, but from the unemployment rate, 6.6 percent in October, 7.8 phisad. wages are falling rather than rising. it is reported that President Obama is a relief, which were badly let down by it in September. This is not a lot of jobsThe camp is also excited of romni. after akdon said in a gathering by romni erased the nine million jobs was promised us and the reality is that Obama said in front of everyone in the right direction.. we have achieved success in increasing employment.

In the mathematics of winning to the voters decision States affecting jobs. unemployment rates in States like Ohio and Wisconsin at the national average, which can get to Obama, while others help States to help high unemployment rate romni. both candidates issued by jobs ' plan, Which promises to create millions of jobs. However, in the us it is up to the financial crisis solution to political efforts to reduce the deficit. last time is ending in December from a drastic reduction in government spending and January 2013 tax increase, which in America into a recession pushing.

Battle of the race course change

A slogan of Obama is very piercing romni. heroes of themselves change romni. Obama taking the historic victory with the slogan of change four years ago, came to power, but now can't get anything on them look solid tohmat. romni's campaign focuses on the four years and not suffer now that if real change is to come with the last round of publicity only. In Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa, Obama said in Virginia of congregations are a romni salesmen, who are selling the "change" slogan, while they have failed policies of George Bush is nothing but round. tried to catch the Obama change and public meetings are in the change agenda is not complete yet.

Obama wins

The first u.s. presidential election decide to 45ven has been exposed in the Obama ads are the villages won the.. is that a study of wilson media this election so far, nearly 11 million ads aired, in which the number of Democrat Obama's ads have been 50,000 more from romni. spending on ads is different also kicked last election Obama compared to the number of ads; 29 phisad turnover.