Sunday, June 10, 2012

Hosni Mubarak

Egypt in the age of the prison sentence of imprisonment are former President hosni Mubarak described the threat to their lives. Tora prison a former President hosni Mubarak official heart attack any time. they life saver system. official that threat to his life in this prison. happy life imprisonment sentence. it information news agency Xinhua From a report.

According to the official MENA News Agency, said the worsening health of happy, and his worst beating of the heart and the breathing is irregular. sources said Mubarak four hours on life-saving equipment. source said that they moved to an army hospital.

Mubarak last week in a Cairo jail. life imprisonment against them criminal court sentenced them to oppose their regime. protesters charged with plotting the assassination of official said that Mubarak's wife was and came to meet them in prison his Bahu.