Monday, December 20, 2010

Beauty Care Programme

The Beauty Care programme is for a period of 10 days which brings out the external beauty of a man / woman. Regards to this programme, herbal face pack, herbal cream massage, herbal oil massage, intake of herbal tea and steam bath are highly recommended. This treatment increases the skin complexion, skin tone which beautifies the body figure and makes you glow for the long term.

Skin Care

According to Ayurveda, all the activities of the mind and body are governed by three psycho physiological energies known as Vata, Pitta and Kapha. When these three principles within us are in perfect balance, we enjoy good health. Blemishes, eruptions, patches and sallow skin are often related to inappropriate diet or lifestyle choices that lead to accumulation of dietary toxins, called ama in Ayurveda. Following a skin-friendly diet, making sure your digestion-absorption-elimination cycle is efficient and supplementing with skin-friendly herbs help your skin looks clear, radiant, healthy and youthful. In general, opt for foods that are appropriate for your constitution and the season. Eat lighter meals, space out your timing of meals so that one meal is digested before you introduce another into your system, and choose whole fresh foods.
Following are some common skin problems and ayurvedic remedy for preventing and curing the same.

Acne and Pimples :

The aggravation of tridosha or the three energies of the body results in the occurrence of acne, pimples and blackheads. This occurs due to the excessive intake of alcohol, tea, coffee, spicy, oily and fried foods.
Stress, tension, pollution and chemicals are also among the major causes that aggravate Pitta dosha and result in acne, boils, pimples and rashes.

Foot Care

In the complete human body feet are considered to be the mist strained and worked out part, but inspite of this are the most neglected one also. Lack of proper care of feet, result many problems like corns and bunions, cracks, infections and ingrown nails.

Some Useful Tips :

1. During your pre-bath Ayurvedic massage (abhy anga), pay special attention to your feet. Massage the feet, each toe, the ankles, the heels and the soles in turn with the warm oil, gently stretching the feet and toes as you massage them and using circular motions around your ankles and heels.
2. During your bath or shower, let your feet enjoy warm water for a few minutes, then cleanse with a gentle, non-irritating cleanser and a foot brush or washcloth, working between the toes and scrubbing the heels to slough off dead skin. A recommendation of a neem based cleanser to help rid feet of odor or bacteria.
3. Once a week, apply a natural exfoliating mixture on your feet, especially on the heels and soles, when you cleanse, to remove hardened dead skin.
4. Follow basic rules of comfort. Wear footwear that fits properly and is roomy enough so that no part of your foot feels pinched. Do not wear high heels except when you absolutely have to. Replace shoes before they wear out or become lopsided with use. Wear cotton socks indoors to protect your feet from the cold. When the temperature is comfortable and you are indoors, walk barefoot occasionally to allow your feet to breathe.
5. Every night foot and lower leg massage not only relaxes the feet, it also helps promote restful sleep.